Our TCCAN Education Committee is jumping into gear this very first week of 2014!
On Sunday Jan 5th @ 2:00-5:00 PM, we are hosting a workshop on how to take a song; from the words and notes on the page, and make it a unique interpretation to tell a story that has your own spin on it. This is more than transposing to a better key for your voice or finding the right tempo. It is about digging into the core of both yourself and the song to say exactly what you mean to, just as we do to sculpt our patter.
It will demonstrate techniques on up to 8 of our members and will be led and moderated by others on the TCCAN team. As part of our outreach in education, this and all workshops are open to both members and fans of our organization. However only active and current members may participate while anyone else is welcome to observe and learn. Please keep the afternoon open and share it with us.
Sunday, January 5, 2:00-5:00
MacPhail Center for Arts - Music Room 607
501 S. 2nd St.
Minneapolis, MN 55401